Surrender a Pet Request

From time to time, we do take in a limited number of animals from people who choose to surrender their pets. In Georgia, under the law, animals are considered property. Therefore, we cannot accept stray animals from areas with animal control service available. If you find an animal, please contact your local animal control as well as locally advertising any found animals. We, like so many other rescues, are usually full. We do not have a facility; all our pets are in foster homes and a few waiting in boarding until we adopt some pets out and make room for them. We do try to help people find a home for their pets, on a case by case consideration, by offering courtesy postings on our website.

Requirements for surrender consideration:

  • your pet must be fully vaccinated
  • tested negative for heartworms and on heartworm preventative if a dog
  • tested negative for feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus if a cat
  • the pet cannot have health problems
  • the pet must not be aggressive to people or other pets
  • be spayed/neutered*

*if your dog is not altered (spayed or neutered) when you surrender, we do appreciate a donation

You must supply us with a copy of the vet records or the name and number of your vet so we can check the vet reference. We will check the vet references on anyone who applies for the pet and will ask for an adoption fee from the adopters to help us to help other animals as we are a non-profit.

We need at least 3 good pictures of the pet and for you to give us a good description of the pet to post on our site. *Please send pictures to

If you are interested, please complete the form below.